i.c.b.p. 뜻
- phrase, International Council for Bird Preservation 국제 조류보호 회의
- b, i, p, o,: phrase, British Institute of Public Opinion
- p.b.i.: phrase, proteinbound iodine, poor bloody nfantry보병
- c.p.i.: phrase, consumer price index
- c.b.i.: phrase, Confederation of British Industry, computer-based instruction
- bác Ái district: 박아이현
- cái bè district: 까이베현
- p/c, p/c: phrase, per cent, petty cash, price(s) current
- p.b.: phrase, permanent base, Pharmacopoeia Britannica영국 약전, Plymouth Brethren, Prayer Book, Primitve Bapist(s)
- ppb, p.p.b.: phrase, parts per billion
- c.c.c.p.: phrase, 소비에트 사회주의 공화국 연방
- c, p and t: C, P, T 대칭
- c.p.a.: phrase, certified public accountant, Civilian Production Administration 민간 생산 관리국, critical path analysis
- c.p.s.: phrase, cycles per second C.P.S. x, Consumer Price Survey
- c/p: phrase, charter party
- p.c.: phrase, per cent, post(al) card, post cibum, price(s) current P.C. x, Peace Corps, Police Constable, Post Commander, Prince Consort, Privy Council, Professional Corporation