p.b. 뜻
- phrase, permanent base, Pharmacopoeia Britannica영국 약전, Plymouth Brethren, Prayer Book, Primitve Bapist(s)
- ppb, p.p.b.: phrase, parts per billion
- b, i, p, o,: phrase, British Institute of Public Opinion
- b.a.p discography: B.A.P의 음반 목록
- b.a.p의 노래: B.A.P (South Korean band) songs
- b.a.p의 음반: B.A.P (South Korean band) albums
- b.a.p의 일원: B.A.P (South Korean band) members
- carnival (b.a.p ep): CARNIVAL (B.A.P의 EP)
- e, p, b,: phrase, Economic Planning Board 경제 기획원, (영)Environmental Proection Board
- i.c.b.p.: phrase, International Council for Bird Preservation 국제 조류보호 회의
- p. b. s. pinchback: 핑크니 벤턴 스튜어트 핀치백
- p.b.i.: phrase, proteinbound iodine, poor bloody nfantry보병
- p.o.b.: 우체국의 사서함; 사서함
- p.o.s.b.: phrase, Post Office Savings Bank
- p.r.b.: phrase, pre-paphaelite brotherhood
- b.a.p의 수상 목록: List of awards and nominations received by B.A.P