p.r.b. 뜻
- phrase, pre-paphaelite brotherhood
- r&b, r&b: phrase, rhythm and blues
- p.r.: phrase, parliamentary reports, populus romanus, proportional representation비례 대표, puerto rico
- p.r.a.: phrase, president of the Royal academy
- s, p, r: phrase, Society for Physical Research
- p.b.: phrase, permanent base, Pharmacopoeia Britannica영국 약전, Plymouth Brethren, Prayer Book, Primitve Bapist(s)
- ppr., p.p.r.: phrase, present participle
- ppb, p.p.b.: phrase, parts per billion
- r.b.: phrase, Rifle Brigade
- r.b.a.: phrase, Royal(Society of)British Artists
- r.b.s.: phrase, Royal (Society of)British Sculptors
- c.p.r.: phrase, Canadian (Central) Pacific Railway
- c.p.r.e.: phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- p.o.r., por: phrase, payable on receipt화물 인환불
- pr, p.r.: noun, vt, 홍보(섭외)홀동, 선전계몽