c.p.r.e. 뜻
- phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- p.e.c pec: phrase, photoelctric cell, photoelectrochemical cell
- c.p.r.: phrase, Canadian (Central) Pacific Railway
- r.a.p.c.: phrase, Royal Army Pay Corps
- r.c.m.p.: phrase, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- r.c.p.: phrase, Royal College of Physician 왕립 내과 의원
- c.o.p.e.c: phrase, Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship
- c.r.e.: phrase, Commander Royal Engineers
- n.e.r.c.: phrase, Natural Environment Research Council(영)자연 환경조사국
- r.a.e.c.: phrase, Royal Army Educational Corps
- r.a.e.c. mons: RAEC 몽스 RAEC 몽스
- r.a.e.c. mons players: RAEC 몽스의 축구 선수
- p/e, p/e: phrase, price-earning (ratio)
- p/c, p/c: phrase, per cent, petty cash, price(s) current
- e, and p,: phrase, extraordinary and plenipotentiary 특명 전권의
- e, p,: phrase, electroplate