c.q.m.s. 뜻
- phrase, Company Quartermaster Sergeant
- d, a, q, m, g,: phrase, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General
- g, m, q: phrase, good merchantable quality 판매 적성 품질
- c.m.: phrase, =CH.M, Comgregation of the Mission, Court Martial c.m. x, common meter, corresponding member
- c.m.a.s.: phrase, Clergy Mutual Assurance Society
- c.m.s.: phrase, Church Missionary Society
- c.s.m.: phrase, Company Sergeant Major
- s, c, m: phrase, State Certified Midwife, Student Christian Movement
- n.c.c.m.: phrase, National Council of Catholic Men
- g, c, m, , g, c, m, , gcm: phrase, greatest common measure최대공약수, general court martial통합 군법 회의
- c.e.m.a.: phrase, Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts(현재는 A.C.G.B.)
- c.e.m.s.: phrase, Church of England Men's Society
- c.g.m.: phrase, Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
- c.m.b.: phrase, (certified by)Central Midwives'Board, coastal motorboat
- c.m.g.: phrase, Companion of the Order of St. Michael & St. George
- c.m.sgt.: phrase, chief master sergeant