n.c.c.m. 뜻
- phrase, National Council of Catholic Men
- mạc toàn: 막또안
- năm căn district: 남깐현
- c.n., c/n: phrase, circular note, contract note, credit note
- cấm sơn lake: 껌선호
- cẩm vân: 껌번
- cẩm xuyên district: 껌쑤옌현
- hóc môn district: 혹몬현
- nước chấm: 느억 쩜
- pác nặm district: 빡남현
- xuyên mộc district: 쑤옌목현
- c.m.: phrase, =CH.M, Comgregation of the Mission, Court Martial c.m. x, common meter, corresponding member
- c.m.a.s.: phrase, Clergy Mutual Assurance Society
- c.m.s.: phrase, Church Missionary Society
- c.s.m.: phrase, Company Sergeant Major
- s, c, m: phrase, State Certified Midwife, Student Christian Movement