n.c.c.w. 뜻
- phrase, National Council of Catholic Women
- c and (&) w: phrase, country-and-western
- w.c.: 화장실 化粧室
- c.n., c/n: phrase, circular note, contract note, credit note
- n.c.c.j.: phrase, National Conference of Christians and Jews
- n.c.c.l.: phrase, National council for Civil Liberties
- n.c.c.m.: phrase, National Council of Catholic Men
- n.s.p.c.c.: phrase, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- r.c.n.c.: phrase, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors
- c.w.o., c.w.o.: phrase, cash with order 현금 지불 주문
- c.n.s.: phrase, central nervous system
- n.c: phrase, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose n/c x, no charge
- n.c.: phrase, (화)nitrocellulose N.C x, New church, North Carolina n/c x, no charge
- n/c: phrase, no charge N.C x, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose
- arsenal w.f.c.: 아스널 WFC 아스널 WFC
- cw, c.w.: phrase, chemical warfare