n.c.i. 뜻
- phrase, (미)National Cancer Institute
- n.o.i.c.: phrase, Naval Officer in Charge
- cái nước district: 까이느억현
- c.n., c/n: phrase, circular note, contract note, credit note
- n.i.: phrase, national insurance, Northern Ireland
- phong Điền district, cần thơ: 퐁디엔현 (껀터)
- a.c.i.s.: phrase, Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries
- i.c: phrase, lesus chistus i/c x, in charge, in command
- i.c.a.: phrase, International Cooperation Administration x, International Cooperation Administration, International Communication Agency 국제협력국(지금은 AID)
- i.c.s: phrase, Indian Civil Service
- i/c: phrase, in charge, in command I.C x, lesus chistus
- f.c.i.i.: phrase, Fellow of the Chartered insurance Institute
- i.c.i: phrase, Imperial Chemical Industries, International Commission on Illumination
- c.n.s.: phrase, central nervous system
- n.c: phrase, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose n/c x, no charge
- n.c.: phrase, (화)nitrocellulose N.C x, New church, North Carolina n/c x, no charge