c.r.a.z.y. 뜻
- 크.레.이.지
- r.z.s.: phrase, Royal Zoological Society
- r.y.s.: phrase, Royal Yacht Squadron
- r.n.z.a.f.: phrase, Royal New Zealand Air Force
- r.n.z.n.: phrase, Royal New Zealand Navy
- yamao yōzō: 야마오 요조
- yūzō tashiro: 다시로 유조
- c.r.: phrase, Costa Rica
- r.a.c.: phrase, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Automobile Club
- r.a.s.c.: phrase, Royal Army Service Corps
- r.c.: phrase, Red Cross, Reserve Corps, Roman Catholic
- r.c.s.: phrase, Royal College of Surgeons 왕립 외과 의사회
- r.c.t.: phrase, Royal Corps of Transport
- s, s, r, c,: phrase, Social Science Research Council
- haplogroup r (y-dna): 하플로그룹 R (Y-DNA)
- yōrō: 요로 (연호)