r.c.m.p. 뜻
- phrase, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- c.p.r.: phrase, Canadian (Central) Pacific Railway
- c.p.r.e.: phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- r.a.p.c.: phrase, Royal Army Pay Corps
- r.c.p.: phrase, Royal College of Physician 왕립 내과 의원
- c.p.m.: phrase, cycles per minute C.P.M. x, critical path method
- m.r.c.a.: phrase, multirole combat aircraft 다목적 전투기
- r.a.m.c.: phrase, Royal Army Medical Corps
- r.c.m.: phrase, Royal College of Music
- r.m.c.: phrase, Royal Military College
- pác nặm district: 빡남현
- mạc mậu hợp: 막머우헙
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c.: FC 브뤼셀 FC 브뤼셀
- p/c, p/c: phrase, per cent, petty cash, price(s) current
- p.r.: phrase, parliamentary reports, populus romanus, proportional representation비례 대표, puerto rico
- p.r.a.: phrase, president of the Royal academy