r.c.a.f. 뜻
- phrase, Royal Canadian Air Force
- rfc, r.f.c.: phrase, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Royal flying Corps, Rugby Football Club
- s, f, r, c,: phrase, Senate Foreign Relations Committee(미국) 상원 외교 위원회
- plymouth albion r.f.c.: 플리머스 알비온
- st helens r.f.c.: 세인트헬렌스 RFC
- c.u.r.u.f.c.: phrase, Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c.: FC 브뤼셀 FC 브뤼셀
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. players: FC 브뤼셀의 축구 선수
- r.f.: phrase, range finder, rapid fire R.F. x, French Republic, Reserve Force, Royal Fusiliers
- r.f.a.: phrase, Royal Field Artillery, Royal Fleet Auxiliary
- c.a.f., c.a.f.: phrase, cost and freight
- rf, r.f., r.f.: phrase, radio frequency
- r.a.f.v.r.: phrase, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
- f.f.r.: phrase, Fellow of the Faculty of Radiologists
- c.r.: phrase, Costa Rica
- r.a.c.: phrase, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Automobile Club