f.e.i.s 뜻
- phrase, Fellow of the Educatinal Institute of Scotland
- fortaleza c.e.i.f.: 포르탈레사 FC
- f.e.t.: phrase, federal excise tax연방 소비세
- e, i,: phrase, East Indies
- e, i, s,: phrase, Educational INstitute of Scotland
- i.a.e.a: phrase, International Atomic Energy Agency
- i.e.: phrase, Indian Empire i.e. x, 즉 다시말하면
- f.a.i.: phrase, Federation Aeronautique Internatinale국제 항공 연맹
- f.a.i.a.: phrase, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects
- f.i.: phrase, Falkland Islands
- f.i.a.: phrase, Fellow of hte Institute of Actuaries국제 자동차 연맹
- i.a.a.f: phrase, International Amateur Athletic Federation
- i.f.s.: phrase, Irish Free State
- f.c.i.i.: phrase, Fellow of the Chartered insurance Institute
- e, h, f,: phrase, extremely high frequency (통신)마이크로파
- e. f. schumacher: 에른스트 프리드리히 슈마허