f.e.n. 뜻
- phrase, Far East Network극동 방송망
- u.n.e.f.: phrase, Unied Nations Emergency Forces.유엔 경찰군
- n.e., n/e: phrase, no effects
- n.e.s., n.e.s.: phrase, not elsewhere specified(stated)별도로 특별기재가 없을 경우에는
- n.f, n/f: phrase, 예금 없음
- f.e.t.: phrase, federal excise tax연방 소비세
- e by n: phrase, east by north
- n.e.: phrase, northeast(ern)
- n.f.: phrase, Nesfoundland, Norman French
- n.f.s.: phrase, National Fire Sevice
- e, h, f,: phrase, extremely high frequency (통신)마이크로파
- e. f. schumacher: 에른스트 프리드리히 슈마허
- f.e.i.s: phrase, Fellow of the Educatinal Institute of Scotland
- f.e.r.a.: phrase, Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- f.o.e.: phrase, Fraternal Order of Eagles
- e, p, n, s,: phrase, electroplated nickel silver 전기 도금 양은