f.i.b. 뜻
- phrase, Fellow of the Institute of Bankers
- b, i, f,: phrase, British Industries Fair
- f.r.i.b.a.: phrase, Fellow of the Foyal Institute Of British Architects
- fbi, f.b.i.: phrase, Federal Bureau of Investigation연방 수사국
- f.b.a.: phrase, Fellow of the British Academy
- b, i, s,: phrase, Bank for International Settlement 국제 결제 은행, British Information Services 영국 정보부
- f.a.i.: phrase, Federation Aeronautique Internatinale국제 항공 연맹
- f.a.i.a.: phrase, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects
- f.i.: phrase, Falkland Islands
- f.i.a.: phrase, Fellow of hte Institute of Actuaries국제 자동차 연맹
- i.a.a.f: phrase, International Amateur Athletic Federation
- i.f.s.: phrase, Irish Free State
- hello i.b.i: 헬로 아이·비·아이
- i.b.i (group): 아이비아이
- f.c.i.i.: phrase, Fellow of the Chartered insurance Institute
- 로디 t.i.b.b. 역: Lodi T.I.B.B. (Milan Metro)