f.inst.p. 뜻
- phrase, Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- inst.: phrase, instant, instrument, instrumental Inst. x, Institute, Institution
- c.p.f.f.: phrase, cost plus fixed fee
- p.f.m., pfm, p.f.m.: phrase, pulse frequency modulation
- f.a.c.p.: phrase, Fellow of the American College of Physicians
- f.h.p.: phrase, friction horsepower
- f.j.p.: phrase, Federation of Jewish Philanthropies(of New York)
- n.p.f.: phrase, not provided for
- nepal a.p.f. club: 네팔 APF 클럽
- p. f. chang's: 피에프창
- p. f. strawson: P. F. 스트로슨
- p.f.c.: 일병
- p.s.f. records: P.S.F. 레코드
- p.s.f. 레코드: P.S.F. Records
- p. f. 스트로슨: P. F. Strawson
- p: noun, 알파벳 16번째 문자