n.b. 뜻
- phrase, New Brunswick, North Britain
x, 크리켓no ball
- n.b, n.b.: phrase, nota bene주의(하라)
- n.a.b: phrase, National Association of Broadcasters전미국 방송협회, New American Bible
- n.b.g, n.b.g: phrase, no bloody good(영구)가망없음
- n.o.i.b.n.: phrase, not otherwise indexed by name
- bến tre: 벤째
- n.b.r: phrase, North British Railway
- n.c.b.: ㅌ, National Coal Board
- n.e.b.: phrase, National Enterprise Board, New English Bible
- n.k.g.b.: phrase, narodnyi Komissariat Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti(Russ.=People's Commissariat for State Security)국가안전 인민 위원부(소련의 비밀 경찰)
- nbc, n.b.c: phrase, (미)National Broadcasting Company, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons핵생물화학무기
- nbe, n.b.e: phrase, north by east
- nbw, n.b.w.: phrase, north by west
- bún bò huế: 분 보 후에
- văn bàn district: 반반현
- Điện bàn: 디엔반