n.e.b. 뜻
- phrase, National Enterprise Board, New English Bible
- nbe, n.b.e: phrase, north by east
- n.e., n/e: phrase, no effects
- n.e.s., n.e.s.: phrase, not elsewhere specified(stated)별도로 특별기재가 없을 경우에는
- n.b, n.b.: phrase, nota bene주의(하라)
- e, b,: phrase, Encyclop(a)edia Britannica
- e by n: phrase, east by north
- n.e.: phrase, northeast(ern)
- n.a.b: phrase, National Association of Broadcasters전미국 방송협회, New American Bible
- n.b.: phrase, New Brunswick, North Britain n.b. x, 크리켓no ball
- b, e, c,: phrase, Bureau of Employees' Compensation
- b, e, m,: noun, British Empire Medal(1941년 제정)Bug-Eyed Monster(왕방울 눈의 괴물, 과학 소설에 나오는 공상적인, 생물)
- b, i, e,: phrase, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
- b.e.c.s.: phrase, British Red Cross Society
- b.e.d. (film): 베드 (영화)
- c.b.e.: phrase, Commander of the Order of the British Empire