n.e.i. 뜻
- phrase, Netherlands East Indies
- n.e., n/e: phrase, no effects
- n.e.s., n.e.s.: phrase, not elsewhere specified(stated)별도로 특별기재가 없을 경우에는
- e, i,: phrase, East Indies
- e, i, s,: phrase, Educational INstitute of Scotland
- i.a.e.a: phrase, International Atomic Energy Agency
- i.e.: phrase, Indian Empire i.e. x, 즉 다시말하면
- e by n: phrase, east by north
- n.e.: phrase, northeast(ern)
- n.i.: phrase, national insurance, Northern Ireland
- b, i, e,: phrase, Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
- c.i.e.: phrase, Companion of the (Order of the) Indian Empire
- f.e.i.s: phrase, Fellow of the Educatinal Institute of Scotland
- g, c, i, e: phrase, Grand Commander of the Indian Empire
- i.c.e: phrase, Institution of Civil Engineers
- k.c.i.e.: phrase, Knight Commander of the Indian Empire