p.e.i. 뜻
- phrase, Prince Edward Island캐나다
- p/e, p/e: phrase, price-earning (ratio)
- e, and p,: phrase, extraordinary and plenipotentiary 특명 전권의
- e, p,: phrase, electroplate
- e, p, t,: phrase, excess profits tax
- p.e.p: phrase, Political and Economic Planning
- p.p.e.: phrase, philosophy, politics and economics
- e, e, & m, p,: phrase, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary 특명 전권 공사
- e, i,: phrase, East Indies
- e, i, s,: phrase, Educational INstitute of Scotland
- i.a.e.a: phrase, International Atomic Energy Agency
- i.e.: phrase, Indian Empire i.e. x, 즉 다시말하면
- c.p.r.e.: phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- e, p, b,: phrase, Economic Planning Board 경제 기획원, (영)Environmental Proection Board
- e, p, d,: phrase, Excess Profits Duty 초과 이득세, Export Promotion Depathment