개금역 영어로
- 개금: 개금 [開襟]1 [속마음을 털어놓음] unbosoming oneself to. ~하다 unbosom oneself to; open[lay bare] one's heart; admit into one's confidence.2 [돕지] the neckband.▷ 개금 셔츠[샤쓰] an open-collared shirt; a sport shirt.
- 물금역: Mulgeum station
- 미금역: migeum station
- 오금역: Ogeum station
- 황금역: Hwanggeum station
- 개근: 개근 [皆勤] perfect attendance; non-absence (throughout a year); regular attendance (without a day's absence). ~하다 attend regularly (without missing a single day); be not absent a single day.▷ 개근상[상장] a
- 개기: 개기 [開基]1 [터를 닦음] laying a foundation; ground breaking. ~하다 level[smooth] the ground; lay a foundation.2 [사찰의 터를 닦음] founding of a temple; [개기승] the founder (of a Buddhistic sect). 이 절의 ~는 원효대사다 This
- 개그콘서트 개그콘서트: Gag Concert
- 개기름: 개기름 (natural) grease on one's face; skin oiliness. ~이 도는 그의 얼굴 his oily[greasy] face[complexion]. ~이 번질번질하고 살찐 40대 남자 an oilyfaced fleshy man in his forties.
- 개그작가: joker
- 개기식: totality
- 개그맨: gagman
- 개기식의 시간: totality