경국지색 영어로
- 경국지색 [傾國之色] a woman beautiful enough to cause the downfall of a country; a Helen of Troy; a siren.
- 경국: 경국 [經國] running a country; administration; statesmanship. ~ 제민책 statecraft / statesmanship / administrative policy.▷ 경국지재 [-之才] the caliber of a statesman; administrative talent[abilities].경국 [傾國] d
- 경국집: Keikokushū
- 국지: 국지 [-紙] shavings (of paper); edge scraps of cut paper.국지 [局地] a locality; a definite place; a limited region[area]. ~적인 local. ~적 해결 settlement on the spot / regional settlement. ~화하다 localize . 농작물
- 가지색: aubergine; brinjal; eggplant; brown jolly
- aidc 경국호: AIDC F-CK-1 Ching-kuo
- 경국대전: Gyeongguk daejeon
- 야경국가: Night-watchman state
- 경성지색: 경성지색 [傾城之色] =경국지색.
- 베이지색: Beige
- 베이지색의: beige
- 오렌지색: orange; orange color
- 세가지색 판타지: Three Color Fantasy
- 국지풍: List of local winds
- 삼국지: records of three kingdoms
- 오렌지색꿀박쥐: Orange nectar bat