그만이다1 [그뿐이다] be the end ; be no more than that; [상관없다] do not mind[care / matter]. 그것만 있으면 ~ That is all I want. 헤어지면 ~ That's the end of all if they take apart. 늦어도 ~ It doesn't matter if you are late. 해보고 안 되면 ~ If I try an+모두 보이기...d fail, that's the end of it. 자네가 가서도 그를 만나지 못하면 ~ If you go and still can't meet him, that's that[all there is to it, the end of it].2 [더 할 나위 없다] the best; the finest; superb; matchless; [이상적이다] ideal; best fit ; most suitable ; [충분하다·만족스럽다] satisfactory; enough; sufficient. 낚시에 그만인 곳 a capital spot for fishing. 날씨가 ~ This is ideal weather. 그녀의 요리 솜씨는 ~ She is a perfect cook. 따끈한 커피 한잔이면 ~ Just a cup of coffee will suffice me. 그 일에는 그가 ~ He is the best man for the job. 여름 휴양지로는 호숫가가 ~ No other place than the lakeside would be better for a summer recreation site. 천 원만 있으면 ~ A thousand won will do[is enough]. 이 맛은 정말 ~ This taste is just out of this world.
그만: 그만1 [그만한] (a) little (amount of); so little[small] as; such ; as[that] much; to that (small) extent; no more than; just; only. ~ 일에 낙심 마라 Don't be disappointed about such a trifle. ~ 일은 어린애라도 할 수 있다
그만큼: 그만큼 [그 분량] as much as that; as[that] much; [그 정도] to that extent; in that degree. ~ 더 as much[many] again[more] ‥. ~ 말했는데도 after all I have said / after all advice I gave. ~이나 돈이 있으면서도 for all one's
그만그만하다: 그만그만하다 [어슷비슷하다] be nearly[about] the same; be much the same; be much of a muchness; be of a hair; be six of one and half-a-dozen of others. 나이가 ~ be about the same age. 모두 ~ All of them are about
22 Pilate answered, "What I have written stays written." 하고 말하였으나 22 빌라도는 "한번 썼으면 그만이다."
Perfect dairy product gifts made with fresh milk 신선한 우유로 만든 유제품은 선물로도 그만이다!
Western Railway Station, is 1 stop far. 서부 철도 역, 1 멀리 그만이다.
"No, what I have done, I have done!" "아니야, 한 번 두면 그만이다!"
The longest wharf in the Southern Hemisphere, Tolaga Bay is a fantastic place to catch a fish. Tourism Eastland Inc 남반구에서 가장 긴 부두가 있는 톨라가베이는 낚시터로 그만이다.