급비생 영어로
- 급비생 [給費生] a scholarship student[holder]; a student on scholarship; <英> a scholar.
~이다 be on scholarship / be a scholarship student.
- 급비: 급비 [給費] [비용의 지급] provision of expenses; supply of (school) expenses. ~하다 pay expenses; supply with (school) expenses.
- 비생산: 비생산 [非生産] unproductivity; nonproductiveness. ~적(인) nonproductive / unfruitful / unproductive. ~적 노동 unproductive labor. ~적 사업 an unproductive business. ~적 자본 dead capital.▷ 비생산성 투자 investment in unp
- 자비생: commoner; private student
- 비생산적인: unprofitable; timewasting; non productive
- 일급비밀 (음악 그룹): TST (band)
- 급부장애: Breach of contract
- 급사: 급사 [急死] a sudden[an untimely] death. ~하다 die suddenly; meet with an untimely death; pop off. 그는 심장 마비로 ~하였다 He died suddenly of heart failure.급사 =사환(使喚).급사 [急使] an express messenger; a running[quic
- 급부: 급부 [給付] presentation; bestowal; delivery; (보험 등의) payment; (a) benefit. 반대 ~ a consideration / counter-presentation / a benefit in return / a compensation . 부가 ~ 『勞』 fringe benefits. 의료 ~ medical[
- 급사 노릇하다: wait at table
- 급보: 급보 [急報] an urgent message[report]; [경보] an alarm. ~에 접하다 receive the urgent news . ~를 받고 다수의 경찰관이 현장으로 급히 달려갔다 At the report a large number of policemen rushed to the scene. ~하다 report promptly; sen
- 급사면: 급사면 [急斜面] a steep slope[incline].
- 급병: 급병 [急病] a sudden (attack of) illness. ~의 경우에는 in case of emergency / when you get sick suddenly. ~에 걸리다 be suddenly taken ill / be seized with a sudden illness.▷ 급병(환)자 an urgent[emergency] case. 가족
- 급사장: butler; headwaiter; male head servant