급사: 급사 [急死] a sudden[an untimely] death. ~하다 die suddenly; meet with an untimely death; pop off. 그는 심장 마비로 ~하였다 He died suddenly of heart failure.급사 =사환(使喚).급사 [急使] an express messenger; a running[quic
사면: 사면 [四面]1 [전후 좌우의 둘레] all sides. ~이 바다로 둘러싸인 나라 a seagirt country / a country encircled[surrounded / girdled] by the seas / a country within the girdle of the sea. ~팔방으로 on all sides / on every side
긴급사태: 긴급 사태 [緊急事態] a state of emergency; an emergency; an exigency; a crisis . ~에 대처하다 cope with[meet] immediate needs / devise[contrive] makeshift to deal with an emergency. ~가 발생했다 An emergency has aris
The metropolitan area is located in the south west of Australia, between the Indian Ocean and a low coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. 대도시권은 귀여운 범위로 알려져 있는 인도양과 낮은 해안 급사면 사이 호주 서쪽에 남쪽에서, 있다.