까다11 [제하다] take (away / out) ; deduct ; subtract . 세금을 까고 월 40만 원의 수입 a monthly income of 400,000 won after taxes. 봉급에서 월부금을 ~ deduct a monthly instal(l)ment one's salary. 본전에서 이자를 ~ take off[deduct] interest from the princi+모두 보이기...pal.2 [가산을 축내다] reduce (one's fortune); lessen (one's fortune).3 [줄다] become thin[thinner]; slim down. 살이 ~ become[grow / get] lean[thin] / (병으로) lose flesh. 그 동안 살이 많이 깠구나 You appear to have lost flesh since I saw you last.까다21 (껍질을) peel; husk; crack; shell. 귤을 ~ peel a tangerine. 밤을 ~ crack a chestnut. 콩을 ~ hull beans. 삶은 달걀을 ~ shell a boiled egg.2 (살갗을) graze; abrade; skin. 무릎을 ~ have one's knee skinned. 팔꿈치를 ~ scrape[skin] one's elbow. 그 소년은 넘어져서 무릎을 깠다 The child fell and skinned his knees[scraped the skin off his knees].3 [부화하다] hatch (out); incubate. 갓 깐 새새끼 a nestling / a hatching. 알을 ~ hatch an egg. 암탉이 병아리를 깐다 A hen hatches out chickens.4 [안의 것을 밖으로 내다] turn out; turn up. 불알을 ~ castrate / emasculate / geld / <美> alter. 화투짝을 ~ turn up a card.5 [치다] strike; hit; [차다] kick; give a kick. 이마를 돌로 ~ strike (a person) on the forehead with a stone. 정강이를 ~ give (a person) a kick on the shin / kick (a person) in the (right) shin; 『럭비』 <美> hack.6 [나쁘게 말하다] speak ill of; <口> run down; [비판하다] criticize; (글로 써서) write down. 새 학설을 ~ cry down a new theory. 그는 선거 연설에서 상대 당을 호되게 깠다 In his campaign speech he really blasted the other party. 그는 정부의 시책을 호되게 깠다 He severely criticized the policy of the government.까다3 [입만 놀리다] talk glibly; quibble; sophisticate; have a clever tongue; be fair-spoken. 그는 입만 까는 사나이다 He is a very plausible person. 그는 입만 까고 실천이 없는 사람이다 He is all talk and no action. / He does not mean what he says. 저렇게 입만 까는 치들은 조심하라 Be careful about[of] those smooth-tongued fellows.
불까다: 불까다 castrate; emasculate; (주로 동물을) geld. 불깐 닭[말] a capon[gelding]. 말을 ~ geld a horse. 그는 그의 개를 불깠다 He had his dog neutered.
까다롭다: 까다롭다1 (성미·취향이) fastidious ; overnice; particular ; hard to please. 성미가 까다로운 사람 a fastidious person / a person hard to please. 식성이 ~ be fastidious[particular] about one's food / have too many likes a
꾀까다롭다: 꾀까다롭다1 (문제가) tricky; complicated; complex; delicate; intricate. 꾀까다로운 문제 a tricky problem / a difficult question. 이 문제는 다소 ~ This problem is a little too hard to solve. 이것은 꾀까다로운 문제다 It's a knotty[t