따라서 [그러므로] so; accordingly; consequently; therefore; hence; for that reason; (so) that. ~ 이상과 같다(증서의 문구) Therefore as above. / Such is the purpose of the document. 품질이 좋으니 ~ 값도 비싸다 The article is of fine quality, and consequentl+모두 보이기...y the price is high. 그가 맨 처음에 왔다 ~ 좋은 자리를 잡았다 He came first. Therefore[So / That's why] he got a good seat.
라서: 라서 [감히·능히] indeed. 뉘~ 나를 이기리요 Who indeed can beat me? / Who would dare to beat me? 그가 어디에 있는지 누구~ 알리요 Heaven knows where he is. / Nobody can know where he is. 뉘~ 그걸 믿어 주겠소 Try and make anybody belie