따로따로 [떼어서] separately; apart; [각각으로] each; severally; respectively; individually. ~인(별개의) separate / separated / (흩어진) scattered / (각자의) each / several / respective. ~인 소비자단체를 통합하다 unite separate[independent] consumer associatio+모두 보이기...ns. ~ 흩어진 소를 휘몰다 round up scattered cattle. 둘이는 군중 속에서 ~ 흩어졌다 The two got separated (from each other) in the crowd. 아이들은 부모와 ~ 살고 있다 The children live away[apart] from their parents. 그들은 ~ 요구하고 있다 They are making their demands independently. 이것을 하나씩 ~ 싸 주시오 Please wrap each of these separately[these one by one]. 그 목격자들은 ~ 소환되었다 The witnesses were summoned one at a time[one by one].
외따로: 외따로 lonelily; solitarily; all alone; in isolation. 혼자 ~ 앉아 있다 sit all alone. ~ 살다 live in isolation (from others). 들판 한가운데에 오두막집이 한 채 ~ 서 있다 In the middle of the field (there) stands a solitary cott