-려느냐 […려고 하느냐]. 무엇을 하~ What do you intend[are you going] to do? 이것을 가지~ Will you take this? 커피를 좀더 마시~ Do you care for some more coffee? 한국에는 얼마나 체류하~ How long are you going to stay in Korea? 차 한잔 더 하~ Won't you take one more+모두 보이기... cup of tea? 천 원만 꿔 주~ Would you mind lending me 1,000 won?
느냐: -느냐 어디로 가~ Where are you going? 어째서 매일 지각하~ Why are you late for school everyday? 무슨 일로 왔~ What has brought you here? 무슨 일이 있~ What is the matter (with you)?
려네: -려네 […려고 하네] I will ; I intend[mean / purpose] to ; I am going to . 이것을 가지~ I will take this one. 나는 교사가 되~ I purpose to become a teacher. 오전에 돌아오~ I expect to come back before noon. 그를 만나보~ I am go
려나: -려나 […려고 하나] I wonder . 누가 오~ I wonder who will come. 내일은 비가 오~ I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. 언제 오~ When will you come and see me? 이 편지를 부쳐주~ Post this letter for me, will you? 이렇게 멀리서도 들리~ Wil
려는: -려는 […려고 하는]. 만나~ 분이 누구요 Who(m) do you want? / Who(m) are you going to see? 너를 해치~ 생각은 없었다 I didn't intend[had no mind] to hurt you. 이 책을 보~ 학생이 참 많다 There are many students who want to read this bo
려기에: -려기에 […려고 하기에] on account of; owing to; as; because; since. 날이 어두워지~ 이내 돌아왔다 As it was getting dark, we soon turned back. 그녀가 사직하~ 내가 말렸다 I dissuaded her from resigning. 그녀가 식사를 하~ 나는 자리를 떴다 She was
려는가: -려는가 […려고 하는가]. 지금 떠나~ Are you going to leave now? 자네는 언제 떠나~ When are you going to leave? / When do you intend to leave? 얼마 동안 이곳에 머무르~ How long do you plan to remain here? 너는 무엇을 하~ What are you g
려는데: -려는데 […려고 하는데]. 내가 자리를 뜨~ 그녀가 왔다 She came as I was leaving. 그가 듣지도 않으~ 어떻게 설복시킬 수 있겠나 How can I convince him when he will not listen? 그가 막 길을 건너~ 요란한 폭음이 들려왔다 Just as he was going to cross the road,
려고: -려고 [의도] with the intention of ; with a view to ; [목적] in order to ; in order that ‥; for the purpose of ‥ 시험에 합격하~ in order to pass the examination. 구조하~ 오다 come to the rescue. 임무를 다하~ 노력하다 try to
려는지: -려는지 […려고 하는지]1 비가 언제 오~ I wonder when it will rain. 무슨 말씀을 하시~ I can't even guess at what you mean.2 네가 왜 의사가 되~ 말해 봐라 Tell me why you want to be a doctor. 그가 다음 일요일에 무엇을 하~ 알고 있니 Do you know wha
4 And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. 5 And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? 4 제자들이 가서 본즉 나귀 새끼가 문앞 거리에 매여 있는지라 그것을 푸니 5 거기 섰는 사람 중 어떤이들이 가로되 나귀 새끼를 풀어 무엇하 려느냐 하매