막무가내 영어로
- 막무가내 [莫無可奈]
~로 stubbornly / doggedly / obstinately / resolutely / firmly.
~로 들어주지 않다 refuse flatly / will not listen to / turn a deaf ear to.
그렇게 ~로 굴지 마라 Don't be so obstinate.
그에게 아무리 사정을 하여도 ~였다 I tried very hard to persuad+모두 보이기...
- 막무가내로: with force; emphatically; strongly
- 무가내: 무가내(하) [無可奈奈何何] ~다 exhaust every means / be at one's wit's end / be helpless. [다룰 수 없다] have no control / be uncontrollable / [할 바를 모르다] be at a loss what to do with / do not know how to dispose of
- 가내: 가내 [家內] (동거인도 포함한) a household; [가족] a family; one's people[folks]; members of one's family. ~ 제절 the whole family / all one's family. ~의 domestic / family / household. ~ 제절이 균안하신지요 Are your family
- 가내 근로: Domestic work
- 가내 제품: domestic
- 가내 근로자: Domestic workers
- 가내공업: 가내 공업 [家內工業] a home[household / domestic] industry; a cottage industry.
- 막가내하: 막가내하 [莫可奈何] =막무가내(莫無可奈).
- 무가당: 무가당 [無加糖] ~의 unsweetened / sugarless / sugar-free. ~ 오렌지 주스 sugarless orange juice. ~ 요구르트 unsweetened yog(h)urt. ~ 연유 unsweetened condensed milk.
- 무가치: 무가치 [無價値] worthlessness; valuelessness. ~하다 worthless; valueless; of no value; useless.▷ 무가치 자산 dead assets.
- 실무가: 실무가 [實務家]1 [실무에 능한 사람] a man who is good at handling practical business details[matters]; a man of business; a businessman.2 =실무자 (☞ 실무).
- 안무가: choreographer
- 나라별 안무가: Choreographers by nationality
- 나무가 무서한: sylvatic
- 나무가 무성한: woody
- Well, I still can't believe that you're working for the Dukes of Haphazard.
아직도 난 믿기지가 않는다 네가 그 막무가내 촌놈들 발닦개나 자처하고 있다니 - You tell him the world is a soft and gentle place.
얘가 막무가내 인거야 - I knew she would not be wearing panties.
내가 알던 우현은 이렇게 막무가내 사이코가 아니었다. - “I still pray for a cure, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen, and I think I have to accept that, and not waste my days dreaming of what’s not going to be.
이나 요괴는 무엇이든 몸으로 부닥치고 힘을 겨루길 즐긴다그런 요괴가 고도가 외친 씨름 단체전이란 것에 잔뜩 불만을 품고 고개 야한 해적게임를 팩 돌리고 있는 모습을 보였다고도가 어지간히도 막무가내