반냥전 영어로
- 반납: 반납 [返納] return; restoration. ~하다 return; give[send] back; restore. 우리는 이미 받은 특별 수당을 ~했다 We returned the special allowances that we had received. 그들은 여름 휴가를 ~하고 그 일을 마쳤다 They gave up their summer vac
- 반날개하목 반날개하목: Staphyliniformia
- 반년: 반년 [半年] half a year; a half year. ~마다 half-yearly / semiannually. ~마다의 결산 semiannual settlement of accounts. 이 잡지는 ~마다 간행된다 This magazine is published semiannually[every six months].
- 반날개상과 반날개상과: Staphylinoidea
- 반년간: semester
- 반날: 반날 [半-] half a day; a half day.
- 반년마다: semiannual; biannual; biennial; twice-yearly; half-yearly; biyearly; half yearly
- 반나치법안: Strafgesetzbuch section 86a
- 반년마다의: twice-yearly; biannual; biennial; semiannual; half yearly; biyearly; half-yearly