반년간 영어로
- 반년: 반년 [半年] half a year; a half year. ~마다 half-yearly / semiannually. ~마다의 결산 semiannual settlement of accounts. 이 잡지는 ~마다 간행된다 This magazine is published semiannually[every six months].
- 반년마다: semiannual; biannual; biennial; twice-yearly; half-yearly; biyearly; half yearly
- 반년마다의: twice-yearly; biannual; biennial; semiannual; half yearly; biyearly; half-yearly
- 10년간: decennium; decade; decennary
- 다년간: 다년간 [多年間] a long time; many years; (for) a long time; (for[over / through]) many years; for a number of years; through the years. ~의 long / of long standing / of many years. ~ 사귀어 온 친구 a friend of
- 수년간: for years
- 십년간: decennary; decenniad; decade
- 오년간: lustrum; quinquennium
- 일년간: for one year; year
- 천년간: millennium; millenary
- 100년간의: for centuries; centenary
- 1년간의: annual
- 삼백년간의: tercentenary; tercentennial; tricentenary
- 십년간의: decennial
- 일년간의: yearly