밥벌이 (a means of) living; breadwinning; livelihood; one's bread and butter. ~하다 earn one's bread; make a livelihood[living]. ~를 못하다 be unable to earn one's bread / cannot make a living. 겨우 ~하다 eke out a scanty livelihood / make +모두 보이기...a bare living. ~를 시켜 주다 put in the way of making a living. 이 장사는 ~가 안 된다 This business doesn't pay.
벌이: 벌이 moneymaking; income; earnings; gainings; pay. ~가 되다[안 되다] pay[do not pay] / be profitable[unprofitable]. ~가 좋다 earn a good[comfortable] income / have[earn / draw] a large income. ~가 시원치 않다 earn a
밥벌레: 밥벌레 a drone; a good-for-nothing (fellow); a useless mouth. 그 여자는 ~다 She is not worth her salt.
돈벌이: 돈벌이 moneymaking. ~를 잘하는 사람 a moneymaker. ~하다 make money; earn money. ~하러 해외로 나가다 go abroad to make money. ~를 못할 팔자다 I was born to be poor.
뜬벌이: 뜬벌이 earning money out of casual work. ~하다 earn[gain] money out of casual work.
막벌이: 막벌이 earning wages as a day laborer. ~하다 earn wages as a day laborer.
맞벌이: 맞벌이 working together (for a living); working in double harness; the joint bread-winning . ~하다 work together for a living; earn a livelihood together; work[run] in double harness. 부모가 ~하는 집안의 아이 a do
벌이다: 벌이다1 [시작하다] begin; open; start; [착수하다] set about; enter into[upon]; take to. 가게[식당]를 ~ open a store[restaurant]. 사업을 ~ start[get launched on] an enterprise. 전쟁을 ~ enter into a war. 그는 부산에 가게를 벌이고 있다
벌이줄: 벌이줄 a tie string; a guy (rope); a bracing cable.