첫국밥 영어로
- 첫국밥 [출산 후 처음 먹는 미역국과 밥] the first seaweed soup and rice taken after childbirth.
~을 먹다 take soup and rice for the first time after the delivery of a child.
- 국밥: 국밥 boiled rice served in soup.
- 굴국밥: Gul-gukbap
- 공나물국밥: kongnamul gukbap
- 첫공연하다: premiere
- 첫공연: 첫공연 [-公演] the first public presentation[performance]; the premiere performance.
- 첫기도: superbly
- 첫공개: 첫공개 [-公開] the first public exhibition . 이씨 작품의 ~가 서울에서 있을 예정이다 The first exhibition of Mr. Lee's works will be held in Seoul next month.
- 첫기제: 첫기제 [-忌祭] the first anniversary of death after the three-year mourning period.
- 첫고등: 첫고등 [맨 처음의 기회] the first opportunity[chance]; the very start. ~에 실패하다 fail at the outset / make an unsuccessful start / [좌절되다] be baffled at the start.
- 첫길: 첫길1 [초행길] an unaccustomed course[route]; one's first trip ; a road one is on for the first time. ~이 되어 생소하다 I am not familiar with the road.2 [신행길] the way to one's wedding.
- 첫겨울: 첫겨울 early winter; the beginning of winter.
- 첫나들이: 첫나들이 (갓난아이의) going out for the first time after one's birth; (신부의) the first outing of a bride marriage. ~하다 go out for the first time after one's birth; (신부가) make her first post-marriage outing;