첫나들이 영어로
- 첫나들이 (갓난아이의) going out for the first time after one's birth; (신부의) the first outing of a bride marriage.
~하다 go out for the first time after one's birth; (신부가) make her first post-marriage outing; <비유> have something smeared on one'+모두 보이기...s face.
- 나들이: 나들이 going out; an outing; a short visit. ~하다 go out; pay a short visit ; go on a (short) visit . 이웃집에 ~하다 pay a visit to the neighbors. ~ 가다 ☞ ~하다. 결혼 후 처음으로 친정집에 ~ 가다 pay the first postmarriage vis
- 나들이옷: 나들이옷 one's best (clothes); one's Sunday suit[best]; a gala[holiday] dress; a go-to-meeting dress; a visiting wear. ~을 입고[입은] (dressed) in gala[one's (Sunday) best]. 그는 ~을 입고 외출했다 He went out in his
- 들이: -들이 (capable of) holding ‥; containing. 10정~ 갑 a package containing ten pills. 2리터~ 병 a two-liter bottle / a bottle capable of containing 2 liters.
- 나들다: 나들다 ☞ 드나들다
- 나들목: Interchange (road)
- 근덕 나들목: Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen
- 금천 나들목: Geumcheon Interchange
- 넘나들다: 넘나들다 frequent visit here and there[many places]; go and come often. 그 댁에 ~ have access to the mansion. 문턱이 닳도록 ~ frequent a house.
- 동해 나들목: Electrical telegraphy in the United Kingdom
- 드나들다: 드나들다1 [출입하다] come in and go out; go[come] in and out; (자주 가다) go often; frequent ; make frequent visits . 드나드는 배 ships going in and out. 드나드는 관광객 in-and-out tourists. 술집에 자주 ~ hang out[around] a bar
- 삼척 나들목: History of email
- 일본의 나들목: Road interchanges in Japan
- 자주 드나들기: re-sort
- 자주 드나들다: re-sort
- 큰집 드나들듯: frequent a place