트이다 영어로
- 트이다1 (막혀 있던 것이) get cleared; be open(ed); be cut(길 등이); (운이) be in the ascendant.
시계(視界)가 ~ command extensive views.
확 트인 길 a clear passage / a open road.
탁 트인 경치 an open view.
운이 ~ be in luck's way / one's fortune changes for+모두 보이기... the better / fortune turns in one's favor.
가슴 속이 시원히 ~ feel refreshed[relieved].
터널이 트였다 The tunnel was opened.
길이 ~ A road was opened up.
운이 트이기 시작했다 Fortune has begun to smile on me. / Luck is beginning to turn my way.
운이 조금도 트이지 않는다 Luck is against me. / I'm having a run of bad luck.
40세가 되었을 때 그의 운이 트였다 A lucky turn in his fortunes came[His luck began to look up] when he was forty.
숲을 빠져나오자 갑자기 눈앞이 탁 틔었다 A wide prospect burst upon my view as I came out of the forest.2 (마음 등이) be liberal[generous]; be open-minded[open-hearted]; be sensible; [물정에 밝아지다] come to know much of the world; get used to the ways of the world.
속이 트인 사람 a man of the world / a person of a liberal turn of mind.
속이 ~ be liberal[open-hearted] / have a liberal[generous] mind / have an understanding heart.
눈이 ~ come[be brought] to one's senses / awake from an illusion.
그는 속이 탁 트인 사람이다 He is a most open-hearted person.