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colorful 예문


  • ♪ I-I love the colorful clothes she wears ♪
    나는 그녀가 입고 있는 다양한 색의 옷을 좋아해요
  • Unfortunately, our business can attract some colorful characters.
    불행히도 우리 일은 희한한 사람들의 관심을 끌 수 있어요
  • We have some very colorful heads for you tonight.
    우리가 오늘 밤 너희들을 위해 다채로운 것들을 준비해 놓았지
  • The first day I saw you, my life became colorful.
    당신을 만난 후부터 내 인생에 색이 입혀졌어
  • Come, dear. Look, I've so many colorful bangles.
    얘야 이리와봐 팔찌가 색깔별로 있어
  • She's sending away for all these colorful clinic brochures.
    치료소 소개 책자를 계속 갖다줘
  • There are ten. Music notes. Colorful patterns.
    10개가 있어요 음표에 화려한 패턴이요
  • That's colorful, but there's no box for that.
    그리고 내가 가리비를 먹었는데 but also like I ate a bad scallop
  • Some nice-sized batteries. Colorful wires.
    딱 좋은 크기의 배터리에 형형색색의 선이에요
  • You pulled a hat out of a rabbit. That was very colorful.
    토끼한테서 모자를 빼냈던 건 매우 인상적이었어
  • As a child, I rather fancied a future as a colorful megalomaniac.
    난 과대망상증 악당이 되는 게 꿈이었소
  • I'm afraid the truth is far less colorful than that, ladies.
    현실은 그것보다 파란만장하지 않아서 아쉽군요
  • Well, he was certainly a very colorful character on the world stage Miranda...
    네, 물론 꽤 다양한 개성을 가진 인물이긴 했죠
  • Your evening has been colorful, I see.
    꽤 힘든 밤이였나 봅니다
  • This is live TV, so no colorful language.
    생방송이니까 살살 하자고요
  • The hosts' malfunctions were colorful.
    호스트들의 오작동은 다채로웠네.
  • I should note that's a Matisse-like piece, something from the Fauve school of colorful Expressionism.
    안나가 내가 생각하는 그 부인?
  • We'll feed them to Captain America and his colorful friends, and keep them off our scent.
    그 어벤져스 놈들한테 미끼로 던져주면 우리 냄새를 못맡을 거야
  • So... - So? Like I said on the phone, your sweet uncle Enrique lived a colorful life.
    그럼? 당신의 사랑스런 삼촌 엔리케는 화려한 인생을 살았죠
  • Your colorful interventions are the cause of a lot of industry backchat this firm could do without.
    자네의 화려한 개입이 업계 뒷말만 키우고 있단 거 모르나
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