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confusing 예문


  • Much confusing happening on the streets of Metropolis tonight.
    오늘 밤 메트로폴리스의 거리는 혼란 속에 휩싸여 있습니다
  • What's confusing is you calling yourself the McDonald's Corporation.
    본인을 맥도날드 법인이라고 부르는 게 복잡한 거에요
  • It gets more confusing when you ask.
    너한테도 전화했어? Did he call you too?
  • Yeah, he thought it was something different, and it's confusing.
    네, 친군 그걸 색다르다 생각했나 봐요 근데, 혼란스러워요
  • It's all that human-y stuff that's confusing poor Denisovich.
    시끄러! 이게 다 인간스러운 물건들 때문이야 그게 데니소비치를 혼란스럽게 한다고
  • What part of "let it go" is confusing? Lap pads.
    그냥 좀 놔두라는 말 중 뭐가 헷갈려?
  • Sometimes, when you overthink things, you get confusing.
    가끔, 생각을 너무 많이 해서 오락가락해
  • I already have confusing feelings for one relative.
    혼란스러운 감정은 친척 한 명에게로 충분해요
  • I know this is new and confusing.
    이런 일이 처음이고 혼란스럽다는 건 알아요
  • But this whole girl thing,it's so confusing.
    그런데 이게 여자들끼리 일에서 일어난거죠, 혼란스러워요
  • Listen, sex seems very complicated and confusing, but it's very simple.
    들어봐요, 섹스란게 몹시 복잡하고 혼란스러워보이지만 실은 아주 간단한거에요
  • But two Baileys? You don't think it's gonna be confusing?
    근데 서로 부를 때 안 헷갈리겠어?
  • We've run a full diagnostic, but the results are, well, confusing.
    잠시만 비켜주게 모든 진단 테스트를 다 했습니다 헌데 결과가...
  • But he was born as Krishna also, this is very confusing.
    하지만 그는 크리슈나도 이것은 매우 혼란로 태어났습니다.
  • I find everything confusing, nearly. So, I don't say anything.
    전 거의 모든 게 다 헷갈려요 그래서 아무 말도 안 하죠
  • It's confusing. It's like two emotions at once.
    헷갈린다고, 동시에 두 가지 감정이라니
  • It's just too fast, and it's too confusing.
    그냥 너무 빠르고 또 혼란스러워
  • That's a confusing result, I'll give you that.
    저건 혼란스러운 결과야. 그렇게만 말해두지.
  • Pepper's parties are as fun as they are confusing.
    페퍼의 파티는 혼란스러운 만큼 재밌어요
  • Does it ever get confusing, that whole Erin/Aaron thing?
    혼란스럽지 않던가? 에린과 애런 일로?
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