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dumber 예문


  • You're dumber than me sometimes, you know that?
    넌 가끔 나보다 멍청한 소리를 하더라?
  • Your stories just get dumber and dumber.
    너의 농짓거린 가면 갈수록 쓸모가 없어
  • Your stories just get dumber and dumber.
    너의 농짓거린 가면 갈수록 쓸모가 없어
  • Horses are dumber than men.
    말은 사람보다 멍청합니다 Horses are dumber than men.
  • Horses are dumber than men.
    말은 사람보다 멍청합니다 Horses are dumber than men.
  • The bigger their dicks, the dumber they get.
    그게 머리에 피를 전부 빨아들이거든
  • Just keep it down, please. Potts. You're dumber than you look.
    끊으라고 한 적은 없어요 조용히만 해주세요
  • Then he's even dumber than he looks. (DR.PARIS to CARDIOLOGY ) Julia.
    그러면 그는 보기보다 더 멍청이였어 줄리아
  • You know, you're actually a lot dumber than I thought you were, Townie.
    너 멍청한 줄은 알았지만 이렇게 멍청한지는 몰랐다, 샌님
  • Or something much, much dumber?
    아니면 정말, 정말 바보같은 이유?
  • Tweedledee and Tweedledum went out the door, and in came Tweedle Dumb and Dumber.
    트위들디와 트위들덤이 나가자 덤 앤 더머가 등장했습니다
  • Out of the way, dumber, smaller Groot!
    비켜, 이 멍청아
  • Dumber than ever, I guess!
    생각보다 더 멍청하네
  • You're dumber than dumb.
    너 진짜 멍청하다
  • If you thought we would ever trust a fox without a muzzle... you're even dumber than you look!
    재갈 안 채운 여우를 믿을 줄 알았냐? 보기보다 더 멍청하네!
  • Either you are dumber than you look, or else you do not know your friend. He had the same look in his eye, that my brother always had.
    넌 어니를 몰라, 내 동생과 똑같은 눈빛을 가졌어
  • And if you don't think that's the way she do, then you are dumber than you look, which is pretty fuckin' dumb, 'cause you look like your relatives have been fucking each other for generations.
    이년 내내 말이야 그리곤 널 위해 나를 차더군 만약 그런게 걔 방식이 아니라고 생각한다면
  • Dancing Bush This isnt so much of a game, but you can make GW Bush perform a variety of dances that are dumber than his foreign policies.
    춤추는 부시 이것은 게임의 많은 것은 아니지만 당신은 GW 부시가 그의 대외 정책이보다 멍청하다 아르 춤의 다양한 수행할 수 있습니다.
  • So there are still 12 planets in the solar system, and all you dog-butt-sniffing Pluto h8ers who are so happy because you think you've won are actually dumber than a box of hair.
    그래서 태양계 12 행성은 아직있다, 그리고 당신은 당신 머리카락 한 상자보다 실제로는 멍청하다 있습니다 이겼다고 생각하기 때문에 너무 행복입니다 명왕성의 h8ers를 개 - 엉덩이 - 킁킁.