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exhibition 예문


  • It was not like Ziraldo's exhibition, or Jaguar's, Millôr's.
    지라우두나 자구아, 밀로르의 전시회 같지 않았어요
  • Excuse me, isn't this where the exhibition is being held?
    어, 저, 여보시오 전람회는 어떻게 됐습니까?
    카탈로그 디자인 전시 프로젝트 "참여"
  • One could say that this is the exhibition for the catalogue.
    카탈로그를 위한 전시라고 말씀드릴 수도 있겠습니다
  • I'm sorry, to make an exhibition of myself, subjecting, young, crumpled, cold.
    미안해요, 놀라게 해서 젊고 지치고, 차갑고
  • I'm not so sure about the, um, exhibition, though.
    홍보성 발언이 아니었나.. 했어요
  • The exhibition has finished. Your work can be picked up at the office.
    다 끝났습니다 작품은 저, 사무실에 가 찾아가십쇼
  • People don't like to watch long films as part of an exhibition.
    전시회에서 긴 영상은 인기가 없거든요
  • Tomorrow is the exhibition opening.
    내일 전시회 오프닝이 있어
  • And she came back. For her exhibition.
    전시회를 하러 돌아왔다
  • Picasso is preparing a new exhibition.
    피카소가 전시회를 연대
  • For the New York Times. - Kind of a built up to the exhibition.
    뉴욕 타임스에 쓴단 얘기 들었나?
  • A friend of mine in Otaru also works with glass. He's holding an exhibition there.
    오타루에 있는 친구놈이 유리공예품 전시를 한다는데
  • When a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination,
    When a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination, 여성이 남성의 신체적 우세의 현장을 확인하게 될 때
  • When a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination,
    When a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination, 여성이 남성의 신체적 우세의 현장을 확인하게 될 때
  • If you ask a woman if she has time to go to an exhibition, and she says:
    네가 여자한테 전시회 갈 시간 있냐고 물었고
  • Everything was beautiful, the execution of the exhibition was beautiful, but metaphorically speaking, people didn't see this...
    모든 게 아름다웠어요 전시회의 진행도 완벽했죠 하지만 은유적으로 말하자면 사람들은 알아보지 못했어요
  • And, again, he's gonna have her pause as though she were a model on a runway or at some exhibition.
    여자는 보석을 가방에 넣지 않아요 흠집이 나거든요 그럼 남편 옷 사이에 숨겨두나?
  • I couldn't see what was there at the exhibition as a solid production that... that represented a professional life forever, you know?
    전문가로서의 삶을 보여 주는 잘 준비되고 기획된 전시회였지만 전 아무것도 볼 수 없었어요
  • Within this exhibition, the interplay of light and the nature of self-images coalesce to provide an experience which will highlight the fragility of our perception of space and our place within it.
    이 전시회에선 빛의 상호작용과, 자아의 모습을 합친 경험을 제공함으로써
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