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gunner 예문


  • Let him go, Gunner How are you a partner?
    nbsp; - 놔줘, 가너! - 친구, 기분 어때?
  • Gunner, last chance Let him go or we let you go
    가너, 마지막 기회야가만 냅둬 nbsp; 그냥 놔 둬
  • We'll have seven gunners and the ensigns at half-mast.
    조기를 게양하고 7명이 공포를 쏠겁니다.
  • The gunner who loses his gun Shouts "Bang Bang!"
    대포수 총을 잃고 입방포로 꿍!
  • GUNNER ON RADIO: Predator0-1. Capturedtargetarea .
    프레디터 0-1 목표 조준 완료
  • We had to get rid of Gunner
    가너를 빼야 될거 같아
  • I'm the gunner. James is the loader,okay?
    내가 사격수고 제임스는 장전자였어
  • Form a perimeter. Ready gunner positions.
    타겟 포위하고 공격 준비
  • Gunner position is down there!
    기관포는 저 아래에 있어
  • One more second. Gunners ready... Don't move.
    잠시만요 사수들이 준비가...
  • They're taking out our gunners, sir. They're getting close. Fire!
    포수들이 당했습니다 위험합니다
  • Machine gunners are the first to be killed. Then I'll come.
    라딕, 침상을 보여줘
  • You threatening me, Gunner?
    그냥 가나, 가너? nbsp;
  • Let him go, Gunner
    nbsp; 놔줘, 가너 nbsp;
  • I'll need a gunner.
    사격수가 필요할 거예요
  • Gunner, you cool?
    nbsp; 이제 진정됐어?
  • All right, so far, it looks like the gunners are members of one of three G Park Lord factions.
    좋아, 지금까지는, 이게 꼭 G Park Lord 파벌 싸움으로 보이는 것 같네요
  • So let me get this right: Gunner tries to kill you, you shoot him, at death's door he gives you the whole layout?
    정리 해 보자구, 가너가 널 죽이려 했고 네가 가너를 쐈는데, 죽기전에 정신차렸다고?
  • Seventeen killed on the gunners' deck. All of them brought up. You're the rock on which I build, the future awaiting me, my highest good.
    17명이 포갑판에서 죽었는데 모두 상갑판으로 운반했습니다
  • Darling, I Just Got Laid by A.K. Gunner
    그냥 공부잘하게 생긴얼굴에 몸좀 좋다...
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