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knob 예문


  • Literally, I can't reach the door knobs.
    진짜 말 그대로, 손잡이에 손이 안 닿아.
  • Fit the knobs in a straight line with the screws.
    바리콘에 노브를 일직선으로 맞추어 고정나사로 바리콘을 단단히 조이겠어요
  • Yeah, well, she is my whatever-you-just-said, too, with knobs on, asparagus!
    그래, 뭐라고 떠드는지 모르겠지만 펠리시는 내 친구야
  • Turn the frequency knob to find a broadcaststation.
    바리콘 노브를 돌려 방송을 잡아보겠어요
  • Round knob, to the left of the steering wheel
    스티어링 휠 왼쪽에 둥근 손잡이
  • The knob doesn't turn. How do you open it?
    손잡이가 돌아가지 않습니다 어떻게 여시겠습니까?
  • This is a door knob.
    This is a door knob. 이건 문고리야
  • This is a door knob.
    This is a door knob. 이건 문고리야
  • Had the FBI chasing after their own knobs.
    FBI놈들 헛다리 짚게 말이야.
  • Go and fiddle with the little knob. Go on.
    가서 버튼이나 만지고 놀아라
  • That's why they put knobs on it.
    '그러라고 손잡이가 달려있는 거거든'
  • And there's hair all over every pillow, and a bra on every door knob.
    베개마다 니 머리카락이 흩어져 있더라고 브라는 문 손잡이마다 걸쳐져있고
  • We can't sit around here all night with just Brian's monster knob for company.
    밤새 여기서 브라이언의 괴물 거시기랑 같이 죽치고 있을 순 없잖아
  • It's even got a wrist pad for your knob hand. Before you know it,
    심지어 당신의 손잡이를 위해 손목보호대도 갖추었습니다.
  • The knob doesn't turn.
    손잡이가 돌아가지 않습니다
  • Every now and again, if the C.O. was working us too hard, we'd freeze and snap the knob off the bathroom door while he was still inside.
    대장님이 우릴 뺑이치게 만들면 화장실 들어갔을 때 문을 얼려 고장 냈어
  • It was like someone had turned a knob a hair to the right, and the radio station clicked in so loud and clear it almost knocked her over.
    라디오 주파수를 맞추려 살짝 돌리는 순간 갑자기 크고 선명하게 잡혀 화들짝 놀라듯이
  • Every time we knock on a door and some knob tells us he doesn't need new windows, we're going to sell that prick more windows than he's got holes in his fucking walls for.
    우리가 문을 두들기고 어떤 바보가 창문 필요 없다고 할 때마다 우리는 그 자식 벽에 있는
  • 12pcs cookware set with gold colour handle and knobs
    금 색깔 손잡이와 손잡이를 가진 12pcs 취사도구 세트
  • Fluke 707 Current Loop Calibrator with Quick Click Knob
    빠른 클릭 노브가 있는 Fluke 707 루프 교정기
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