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ooze 예문


  • The computer's pinpointed the isotopic signature of the purple ooze.
    보라색 액체의 동위원소 신호를 파악했어
  • It means there's more where that purple ooze came from.
    보라색 액체는 저게 다가 아니야
  • If there's even a chance that ooze can make us human...
    우리가 인간이 될 가능성이 있다면...
  • And I was afraid, with the ooze and the fevers
    그리고 그.. 진물이랑 열..
  • Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop and Rocksteady.
    비밥과 록스테디를 추적하려면 보라색 액체가 더 필요한데
  • We have confirmation, Master Shredder. The canister of purple ooze is at police headquarters.
    보라색 액체는 현재 경찰 본부에 있습니다
  • The Foot Clan have the purple ooze! We need backup at police headquarters right now!
    풋 클랜이 액체를 훔쳤어 경찰 본부로 출동해
  • If you're referring to what Donnie told me about the purple ooze, it's called "compartmentalization of information."
    보라색 액체에 대한 이야기라면 불필요한 정보를 공유하지 않았을 뿐이야
  • He took this purple ooze and he injected it into those two criminals that escaped with him.
    그리고 이 보라색 액체를 두 탈주범에게 주입했어
  • That purple ooze is our only shot at being normal, and it's heading toward the front door.
    인간이 될 유일한 희망이 출구로 향하고 있잖아
  • It's as if that purple ooze has returned them to their rightful place in the animal kingdom.
    보라색 액체가 저들을 동물의 왕국으로 돌려보냈어요
  • Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite analysis of the isotope?
    동위원소 분석을 위해 보라색 액체 용액을 만드는데
  • Now, I knew they couldn't handle the truth about the purple ooze, and you know what, they proved me right.
    역시 녀석들은 액체의 진실을 감당할 수 없는 거예요
  • If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream, it's feasible that were I to pinpoint a singular isotopic signature,
    액체가 비밥과 록스테디의 혈관에 들어갔다면 고유의 동위원소 신호를 찾아내서
  • But while I was waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking, if the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered...
    갑자기 이런 생각이 들었어 보라색 액체가 인간을 동물로 만들 수 있다면 잘만 변형하면...
  • We speak... we dream... but deep down, we're all still rooting around in the primordial ooze, biting,clawing,scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree toads and sloths.
    우리는 말하고 우리는 꿈꾼다 그러나 깊숙히 들어가보면
  • We ooze it at the annual Thanksgiving meal, in the morning routine and the daily prayers.
    예수는 회당에서 가르쳤으나 서기관이나 당시의 랍비들과는 달랐다.
  • This observed genetic change is in the wrong direction for primordial ooze to have ever turned into plants and animals.
    이러한 관찰된 유전적 변화들은 단세포생물에서 다양한 식물과 동물들로 변해가는 방향과는 반대 방향인 하향적 변화인 것이다.