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reassuring 예문


  • It's not booby-trapped. - How reassuring.
    -X 레이로 찍어보긴 했는데 폭발 장치는 없었어
  • Well, the least you can do is attempt to sound reassuring.
    음, 안심할 수있는 최소한의 노력은 안심시키는 것입니다.
  • What you did tonight went a long way toward reassuring them.
    오늘 당신이 한 일은 사람들은 안심시키는 데 큰 도움이 됐습니다
  • I'm going to need something more reassuring than that.
    좀 더 확실한 게 필요해요
  • To succumb, to withdraw, to become accommodating and reassuring?
    굴복하고 철수하고 용인하고 위로해준 뒤에!
  • That's him. He's quite reassuring but rather cold hands.
    저 사람이에요 손이 어찌나 차던지
  • It's reassuring to know that you're fully aware of your constitutional duties.
    당신께서 본인의 헌법적 책무에 관해 확실히 알고 계시다니 안심이군요
  • Am I meant to find that reassuring?
    그런다고 내 마음이 편해지겠어요?
  • Firm but reassuring. Cuts to the point.
    단호하지만 안심시키고, 요점만 간단하게.
  • I find the work reassuring.
    저는 일하는 것에 안정감을 느낍니다.
  • Here's a few common DIP cue words to listen for: Reassuring words.
    그리고, 그 사람들이 하는 얘기 중에 몇 가지 귀담아 들어야될 게 있는데요
  • As reassuring as that is... a lot of guys don't see it that way.
    안심시킨다고 해봐야 그런 식으로 많이들 뒷통수 맞아
  • Which is very reassuring, long-term.
    그럴 경우는 예후가 좋죠
  • There's nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are.
    세상이 우리보다 더 미쳤다고 생각하면 마음 편해져
  • Green? Oh, no, it's a cold and harsh color. Something warm, reassuring.
    녹색은 너무 차갑고 딱딱해요
  • Always reassuring and definitive.
    언제나 힘이 되며 절대적이지
  • And how could they be afraid, with a Pope as handsome and reassuring as Christ?
    예수님처럼 잘 생기고 안심되는 교황이 왜 두렵겠나?
  • At least that's what I keep telling myself, so, on that reassuring note... over and out.
    적어도 그게 왜 내가 계속 내 자신한테 말하고있는 이유겠지 여행일지는.. 통신끝
  • Hear something reassuring.
    위로의 말을 해주세요
  • Well, that's reassuring.
    와, 정말 안심된다.
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