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최근접 이웃 탐색 영어로

"최근접 이웃 탐색" 예문"최근접 이웃 탐색" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Nearest neighbor search
  • 이웃    이웃 [근처] the neighborhood[vicinity];
  • 탐색    탐색 [探索]1 [수색] search; hunt; quest.
  • k-최근접 이웃 알고리즘    K-nearest neighbors algorithm
  • 최근접 점쌍 문제    Closest pair of points problem
  • 근접    근접 [近接] approach; nearing; close contact; approximation; 『天』 appulse; 『心』 contiguity. ~하다 draw near; come[go] close ; approach. ~한 neighboring[ neighbouring / nearby] / [인접한] contiguous[adjacent] .
  • 최근    최근 [最近] (때의) the latest date; the nearest; the most recent; the latest; (거리의) the nearest[shortest]; lately; in recent years. ~의 (시간) the latest / last / recent / up-to-date. ~ 5년 간에 in the last fi
  • 이웃    이웃 [근처] the neighborhood[vicinity]; [접한 곳] the next door; [이웃집 사람] a (next-door) neighbor. ~ 나라들 the surrounding[neighboring / adjoining] countries. ~ 읍[고을] the nearest[next] town / a neighboring to
  • 탐색    탐색 [探索]1 [수색] search; hunt; quest. ~하다 search ; look[quest] for; delve into; seek for; hunt up; probe. 범인의 자취를 ~하다 trace the movements[whereabouts] of the criminal. 단서를 따라 ~하다 follow up a clue. 철저히
  • 근접 대수    Incidence algebra
  • 근접 센서    Proximity sensor
  • 근접 조우    Close encounter
  • 근접격    Adessive case
  • 근접어    close word
  • 근접한    approximate
  • 최근 통화    recent calls
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