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음성기호: [ bleim ]  발음
동사 과거: blamed   동사 과거분사: blamed   동사 현재분사: blaming   
"blame" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • vt, noun, 나무라다, 비난하다..., 의 탓으로 돌리다-비난, 책임, 허물


  • Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes! You mustn't blame yourself.
    그는 이게 우리가 함께 해결하는 마지막 사건이라고 했었어.
  • Whoever killed her dog, he is to blame.
    그 할머니 개를 죽인 놈이 정말 나쁜 거죠
  • I don't blame... I don't think about him.
    원망은 안 해요 그냥 홈즈 생각을 안 해요
  • Is that who you blame when things go wrong?
    일이 잘못됐을 때 넌 그 분 탓을 하니?
  • He blamed her and wanted her to suffer.
    그걸 엄마 탓으로 돌리고 엄마에게 벌을 내리고 싶었던 거군요
  • Look, don't blame me for your problems, all right?
    이것 봐, 네 문제로 나를 비난하진 마 알았어?
  • Are you blaming me for your resident's incompetence?
    지금 당신네 레지던트가 무능한 걸 제 책임으로 돌리겠다는 거에요?
  • And I don't know if I can blame them.
    그걸 두고 그 사람들 탓을할 수도 없고 말이야
  • You're blaming the Federation for something that hasn't happened...
    당신은 일어나지도 않은 일로 연방을 비난하고 있는 거야
  • One thing you can't do is blame yourself.
    딱 하나 하면 안 되는 것은 자신을 탓하는 걸세
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he''s a blasted idiot"; "it''s a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I''ll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I''ll do any such thing"; "he''s a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "an infernal nuisance"
    유의어: blasted, blamed, blessed, damn, damned, darned, deuced, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal,

  • 동사
  • attribute responsibility to; "We blamed the accident on her"; "The tragedy was charged to her inexperience"
    유의어: charge,

  • put or pin the blame on
    유의어: fault,

  • harass with constant criticism; "Don''t always pick on your little brother"
    유의어: find fault, pick,

  • 명사
  • a reproach for some lapse or misdeed; "he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap"
    유의어: rap,

  • an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed; "his incrimination was based on my testimony"; "the police laid the blame on the driver"
    유의어: incrimination, inculpation,

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