It's a retrospective on "post-war abstract expressionism". 아 물론 다른 분들도 같이 가고 싶으면 같이 가도 되요
Which is exactly how you want to see German expressionism. 그래서 독일 표현주의를 봐야 되는 거예요
This man was the real father of abstract expressionism. 모네야말로 진정한 추상표현주의의 선구자지
I should note that's a Matisse-like piece, something from the Fauve school of colorful Expressionism. 안나가 내가 생각하는 그 부인?
Chinese New Expressionism: 1980-2014, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China 중국의 신표현주의: 1980-2014, 중화예술궁, 상하이, 중국
Kandinsky played a pivotal role in the development of abstract expressionism. 칸딘스키는 추상 표현주의의 발전에 중추적인 역했습니다.
영어 뜻
an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist''s subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality