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"expressionist" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 표현주의적인


  • Reminds us that Hitchcock has his roots in Expressionist cinema.
    난 당신의 한 부분이 되고 싶어요 사랑하는 당신의 일을 따라갈 수 없다면
  • And in many ways, Hitchcock thought of himself as an Expressionist.
    훌륭한 형사 하나 보내주게
  • In one interview, he said his favorite painter was the Swiss Expressionist Paul Klee.
    더 필요한 게 있나?
  • Jackson Pollock was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement.
    '미국 화가 잭슨 폴락에게 그림은 테라피였다 by 포토테라피스트 백승휴'에 해당되는 글 1건

영어 뜻

  • an artist who is an adherent of expressionism

  • 형용사
  • of or relating to expressionism; "expressionist art"
    유의어: expressionistic,

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