n.c.v. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, nocommercial value
- n.c.c.v.d. phrase, National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases
- cần vương movement 껀브엉 운동
- cẩm vân 껌번
- nguyễn văn lộc 응우옌반록
- n.v. phrase, New Version
- a.v.c. noun, American Veterans' Committee미국 재향 군인회
- c.v. phrase, Common Version (of the Bible)
- c.n., c/n phrase, circular note, contract note, credit note
- vĩnh thạnh district, cần thơ 빈타인현 (껀터)
- c.n.s. phrase, central nervous system
- n.c phrase, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose n/c x, no charge
- n.c. phrase, (화)nitrocellulose N.C x, New church, North Carolina n/c x, no charge
- n/c phrase, no charge N.C x, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose
- n.c.n.a. phrase, New China News Agency신화사(Xinhuashe)
- n.c.c.j. phrase, National Conference of Christians and Jews