a.v.c. 뜻
국어 번역
- noun, American Veterans' Committee미국 재향 군인회
- c.v. phrase, Common Version (of the Bible)
- n.c.c.v.d. phrase, National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases
- c. v. raman 찬드라세카라 벵카타 라만
- c.v.o. phrase, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order 빅토리아 상급 훈작사
- g, c, v, o, phrase, Grand Cross of the Victorian Order
- k.c.v.o phrase, Knight Commander of the (Royal) Victorian Order
- k.v.c. westerlo KVC 베스테를로 KVC 베스테를로
- n.c.v. phrase, nocommercial value
- r.a.v.c. phrase, Royal Army Veterinary Corps
- u.c.v. phrase, United Confederate Veterans
- vác 바츠
- k.v.c. westerlo players KVC 베스테를로의 축구 선수
- cần vương movement 껀브엉 운동
- cẩm vân 껌번
- f.c. lumezzane v.g.z. a.s.d. FC 루메차네 VGZ ASD