r.a.v.c. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Royal Army Veterinary Corps
- r.a.f.v.r. phrase, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
- r.n.v.r. phrase, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
- a.v.c. noun, American Veterans' Committee미국 재향 군인회
- c.v. phrase, Common Version (of the Bible)
- c.r. phrase, Costa Rica
- r.a.c. phrase, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Automobile Club
- r.a.s.c. phrase, Royal Army Service Corps
- r.c. phrase, Red Cross, Reserve Corps, Roman Catholic
- r.c.s. phrase, Royal College of Surgeons 왕립 외과 의사회
- r.c.t. phrase, Royal Corps of Transport
- s, s, r, c, phrase, Social Science Research Council
- vörðr 보르드
- r.c.n.c. phrase, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors
- e, r, v, phrase, English Revised Version
- r.v., rv phrase, recreational vehicle 레크리에이션차, reentry vehicle(대기권), 재돌입체, Revised Version (of the Bible)(cf.A.V.)